Guidelines for Transporting Heavy Machinery Correctly

Posted on: 15 June 2017

Transporting heavy machinery is a never an easy task, and if you need to perform the job, it is imperative that you do it correctly. Here are a few basic steps you should follow to help ensure heavy machinery is transported safely and efficiently:

  • Plan first: Heavy haulage is not a job that you can jump into without carefully thinking things through. Therefore, proper planning is the first and most important aspect of the entire moving process. The planning process will entail determining what your transport requirements are, and the best ways to meet those requirements. Carefully planning helps ensure a smooth and safe moving process.
  • Choose a suitable transport vehicle: Selecting the right transport vehicle for your heavy haulage is also important. Generally speaking, you need to use a truck that can handle the weight of your cargo, but the type of trailer that you'll need will depend on the size, shape and nature of the machinery that you intend to transport. Over-length machines that cannot fit on a flatbed trailer will require the use of an extendable trailer, whereas machines that need to be protected from the weather but won't fit in a box trailer may require the use of a Conestoga trailer, for example.
  • Take note of all important data relating to your freight: To facilitate safe transport of your heavy machinery, you will need to record all critical information relating to the load. Being mindful of the weight and dimensions of your cargo will help truck drivers stay alert because they will be conscious of carrying heavy and/or oversize loads, which call for extra caution on the roads.
  • Ensure proper securement of the loads: You don't want the heavy machinery you'll be transporting to tip over or fall off from the trailer during the move because the financial and road safety implications may be hard to take. For that reason, it is important to ensure that your load is properly restrained in the vehicle. Use tie-downs, come-alongs, straps, chains and any other restraints required to ensure the load is tightly secured to the transport vehicle. 
  • Make sure you obey the law: Last but not least, make sure you meet all the requirements of your transport regulator before heading out on your heavy haulage trip. Breaking any law that governs transport of heavy loads may put you in big trouble with your regulator. 

Do not shy away from asking for professional assistance if you feel overwhelmed by the task. Australia is home to many heavy haulage companies that are ready to help you perform the job safely, efficiently and within the limits of the law.
